Tesla Will Suspend FSD Users That Break Rules For Two-Weeks

Kevin Williams
by Kevin Williams
tesla will suspend fsd users that break rules for two weeks

Inattentive drivers should look elsewhere, Tesla is doling out punishments to combat bad FSD users.

In an over-the-air update, Tesla implemented a new penalty for Full Self Driving users that don’t keep their eyes on the road. Now, if you brake the rules more than five times, the company will give the car a two-week suspension from using FSD.

Tesla says that any driver who is responsible for five “forced autopilot disengagements” will receive the ban. To Tesla, a forced autopilot disengagement is “when the Autopilot system disengages for the remainder of a trip after the driver receives several audio and visual warnings for inattentiveness.” Events in which the driver manually assumes control of the vehicle, do not count as a forced autopilot disengagement. The driver must keep their hands on the steering wheel at all times, and no handheld devices are allowed while FSD is in use.

To many, this is sort of a step in the right direction, there are numerous accounts of influencers and regular Tesla owners alike abusing FSD, like, say, riding in the back seat, or sleeping while FSD is active, with little to no consequences. But is it enough? FSD has taken a lot of flack lately, as now it’s available to every Tesla owner, not just a handful of opt-in, screened beta testers. It has publicly not done all that well in snowy Detroit winters and has attracted scrutiny from the state of California, which assert that the brand can’t actually market FSD as “Full Self Driving,” anymore.

The FSD two-week suspension clause was included in the Tesla 2022.44.30.5 software update.

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Kevin Williams
Kevin Williams

Kevin has been obsessed with cars ever since he could talk. He even learned to read partially by learning and reading the makes and models on the back of cars, only fueling his obsession. Today, he is an automotive journalist and member of the Automotive Press Association. He is well-versed in electrification, hybrid cars, and vehicle maintenance.

More by Kevin Williams

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 1 comment
  • Nauticalone Nauticalone on Jan 12, 2023

    "Five times"? When will TESLA face consequences for allowing such dangerous nonsense in the first place? As well as the various global roads / highways Authorities!?
