You Can Now Tour Pagani on Google Streetview

Colum Wood
by Colum Wood
you can now tour pagani on google streetview

It is perhaps the most exotic car maker of them all, and now you can tour the facilities of Pagani Automobili from the comfort of your seat.

Thanks to Google Maps, the Pagani “Atelier” (workshop) in Northern Italy can now be toured without the pricey plane ticket. In fact, the Google Maps tour even allows you to sit inside two of boutique automaker’s cars: the Pagani Zonda Cinque Roadster and the all-new Huayra supercar.

As you might expect from a tiny automaker, the facilities are sized to match, so you won’t be touring the building for hours, but like the fine details that go into every Pagani model, there’s plenty to appreciate when you look hard, from the amazing AMG V12 engines to the many pieces of artwork.

Click here to tour the Pagani factory on Google Maps.

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Colum Wood
Colum Wood

With AutoGuide from its launch, Colum previously acted as Editor-in-Chief of Modified Luxury & Exotics magazine where he became a certifiable car snob driving supercars like the Koenigsegg CCX and racing down the autobahn in anything over 500 hp. Find Colum on <a href="">Twitter.</a>

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